Here you can find links to the videos we have made over the last 5 years.
Saskatraz Breeding Program Update 2024
MHBA Meeting Presentation - March 12, 2024
An introduction to the Saskatraz breeding program logistics, biomarker development, virus analysis, the Saskatraz hybrid project, and our experiences with the UBeeO compound.
Saskatraz Breeding Program - 2022 Review
An introduction to the Saskatraz breeding program logistics, biomarker development, virus analysis, the Saskatraz hybrid project, commercial beekeeping at Meadow Ridge Enterprises Ltd, and combined miticide treatment trials.
Quick Mite Analysis for Selecting
A short video showcasing the process of examining drone brood for mites. Provides a time efficient assay when selecting breeder colonies. Alcohol or sugar shakes and sticky boards are still recommended.
SL25 Selection - Bucky the Bee
Selecting procedure for an SL25 breeder colony in March 2019 by Dr. Albert Robertson.
S96 Selection - Rapid Queen Laying
Selecting procedure for an S96 breeder colony in March 2019 by Dr. Albert Robertson.
Olivarez Honey Bees Saskatraz Hybrid Queen
A quick review of Saskatraz Hybrid queens created by Olivarez Honey Bees.
Here you can find the list of our presentations over the last 20 years. Video links to new presentations and pdf versions of the slides are also available.